Lip Enhancement


Lip Enhancement


Discover the Art of the Perfect Pout

Discover the Art of the Perfect Pout

We believe in enhancing your natural beauty with subtle yet impactful treatments. Priced at $14 per unit, our Lip Enhancement neuromodulator treatments, including the popular Lip Flip procedure, offer a way to achieve fuller, more defined lips without the need for invasive surgery.

  • Natural Fullness

  • Enhanced Definition

  • Quick and Convenient

  • Complementary to Other Treatments

Lip Flip (4-8 units) – $14 per unit

Lip Flip (4-8 units) – $14 per unit

Natural Fullness: Achieve a more voluminous look with our Lip Flip treatment, priced at just $14 per unit. By carefully injecting a small amount of neuromodulator into the muscle surrounding your mouth, we gently relax the area. This subtle relaxation allows your lips to curl outward slightly, creating a fuller appearance.

Enhanced Definition: This treatment not only adds volume but also sharpens the definition of your lip line, giving your lips a more pronounced and attractive contour.

Quick and Convenient: The Lip Flip is a swift procedure, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their lips without a significant time commitment. The total cost will depend on the number of units used, typically ranging from 4-8 units.

Complementary to Other Treatments: Perfect as a standalone treatment or in combination with other facial enhancements, the Lip Flip can be tailored to your unique aesthetic goals.

Our expert aestheticians are dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring that each treatment is perfectly suited to your individual features and desires. With results that speak for themselves, our Lip Enhancement services are the secret to a confident, radiant smile.

Transform your smile and enhance your natural beauty!